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  • Posted Apr 18 2018

6 Key Phrases of Montessori Teachers

Many of us want to educate our children in line with Montessori principles. But what does it mean exactly and how can we integrate them in our daily routines?

Montessori is a philosophy on education and child development, a child centered education approach supposing a child is naturally eager to learn and capable of learning. Best results can so be achieved in an environment which supports learning and is thoughtfully prepared to support the best possible development of the child

-physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.

More about Montessori you find here.


Furthermore, Montessori teachers use a language which respects the child and provides consistent expectations at the same time. Words are chosen carefully to encourage children to be independent as well as intrinsically motivated to think critically.

 Here are 6 common phrases which you can hear in Montessori education and which I recommend to integrate in your education:


1)  1)  I saw you are working hard

A key criteria of Montessori is the focus on process over the outcome. We avoid commenting “good work” and instead highlight how they have concentrated over some time or wrote carefully in a writing exercise.

Praising your child`s efforts rather than the results help instill a growth mindset where he believes he can improve through his efforts.

2)    2)What do you think about your work?

In Montessori, the child is his own teacher. Teachers are there as guides to help him discover things by himself through a carefully prepared environment. Self analysis is a big part of this discovery.

When a child e.g. asks “Do you like my picture”, try to ask instead why he decided drawing that or what is his favorite part.

3)   3)  Where can you look for that?

Independence is a key value in any Montessori approach.

The goal as parent and teachers is to help the children do things by themselves.  

So in Montessori education, the right way to do is to answer a question of our children with another question like e.g. “Where could you look for that?” “Who could you ask for help”?

4)    4) Which part would you like me to help you with?

In a Montessori classroom, children are responsible for many things, including taking care of their environment. Children often take great pride in this activity, spending time arranging flowers on the tables or cleaning windows or tables.

However, sometimes a job is just too big and overwhelming for the child. Then we offer our help.

5)    5) In our house… we… (The community approach)

This is a small reminder of household rules and desired behaviors for the child.

Phrasing reminders as objective statements how things work are better than barking commands. And they are much more likely to meet the cooperation of the child.

“In our house, we sit while we eat” is less likely to incite a power struggle than “Sit down now!”.

Like all of us, children want to be part of a community and here, we remind them how the community works.

6. Don`t disturb him, he is concentrating.

Protecting children`s concentration is a fundamental part of the Montessori philosophy. Montessori classes offer children big blocks of uninterrupted work time, usually three hours.

This allows children to develop deep concentration, without being disturbed.

Next time you walk by while your child who is working concentrated on something, try just walking by.


 Montessori education in Berlin you can find here



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